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OUR PUBLICATIONS > Creative Partnerships Change Schools Programme Synoptic Evaluation
OUR PUBLICATIONS > Creative Partnerships Change Schools Programme Synoptic Evaluation
Authors: David Wood Consultants
Institution: David Wood Consultants
Full Reference: David Wood Consultants (2012). Creative Partnerships Change Schools Programme Synoptic Evaluation 2011. Newcastle: Creativity, Culture and Education.
In 2011, following on from the 2010 report, Creativity, Culture and Education (CCE) commissioned a survey of data from the Creative School Development Frameworks completed by schools in their final year of the Change School Programme. The Creative School Development Framework (CSDF) is a diagnostic tool to help schools analyse the ways in which they are developing effective contexts for creative learning. To do this, schools assess themselves against five areas: leadership and ethos, curriculum development and delivery, teaching and learning, staff learning and development, and environment and resources.
The report drew on self-evaluation data from the same sample of 80 Change Schools (out of a total of 1,067 Change Schools in the Programme) from the original evaluation of the programme. Of the original sample, 61 schools submitted final CSDFs in 2011.
The mainly qualitative analysis of prose written by school staff was complemented by a statistical survey of their self-gradings.
Both the prose and the self-grades were contained in the CSDFs, a self-evaluation instrument which the sample schools uploaded onto the national Creative Partnerships Projects Database.
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