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OUR PUBLICATIONS > Ingenious Britain: Making the UK the leading high tech exporter in Europe

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Ingenious Britain: Making the UK the leading high tech exporter in Europe

March 1, 2010

Author: James Dyson.

Institution: Commissioned by the Conservative Party

Full reference: Dyson, J. (2010). Ingenious Britain: Making the UK the leading high tech exporter in Europe.


Commissioned by the Conservative party, and referred to in their 2010 Manifesto world-renowned designer James Dyson, was tasked with creating proposals to make Britain the leader in Europe for hi-tech exports. He considers the following areas:

  • Culture: How can a Conservative government bring about a culture where science, technology and engineering are held in high esteem?
  • Education: How can a Conservative government inspire a future generation of scientists, engineers and technicians? And how can we nurture those young creative brains so that they go on to pursue Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – the STEM subjects – in further and higher education?
  • Exploiting knowledge: We have world-renowned universities, but how can a Conservative government encourage the practical application of blue skies research in order to create world-beating products?
  • Financing high tech: How can a Conservative government establish a financial system that actively invests in high tech companies and projects?
  • Supporting high tech: How can a Conservative government incentivise R&D investment by companies and support British exports?

Ingenious Britain: Making the UK the leading high tech exporter in Europe