Author: Creative & Cultural Skills
Institution: Creative & Cultural Skills
Full reference: Creative & Cultural Skills (2006, 2008). The Footprint.
Summary of key findings
The creative and cultural Industries economic and demographic ‘The Footprint’ research was conducted by the Creative and Cultural Skills (CCSkills) in 2006 and 2008. It is based on data collected from various sources in 2004 and 2006 respectively.
‘The Footprint’ is a comprehensive picture of what the sector looks like. For anybody looking for authoritative data on the creative and cultural industries, the Footprint is an invaluable resource.
Following on from the Footprint is the Creative Blueprint. The UK creative and cultural industries are among the world’s best but globalisation and technology are providing new skills challenges. The Creative Blueprint is the strategy plan setting out the issues and solutions to these challenges.
Research questions & methodology
The Creative & Cultural Skills ‘Footprint’ examines the nature of the businesses and workforce in the creative and cultural industries as a whole and then broken down by advertising, cultural heritage, craft, design, music and the arts. It looks at England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as England by government region.
Read the report.