Institution: Department for Children, Schools and Families
Full reference: Department for Children, Schools and Families. 2009. Your child, your schools, our future: building a 21st century schools system. Cm 7588. London, Stationary Office
This paper aimed to strike a balance between devolving power and increasing accountability for schools.
These reforms, building on the work in the last decade, mean that new Pupil and Parent Guarantees are set out in law. A new Pupil Guarantee is intended to create a school where:
- There is good behaviour, strong discipline, order and safety
- Pupils are taught a broad, balanced and flexible curriculum including skills for learning and life
- Pupils are taught in a way that meets their needs, where their progress is regularly checked and where additional needs are spotted early and addressed quickly
- Pupils take part in sport and cultural activities
- Pupils’ health and wellbeing is supported
- Pupils have the chance to express their views, and they and their families are welcomed and valued.
The paper sets out a list of guarantees to parents, some of which are already established policies, with the aim that they are fully involved in their child’s school, with school discipline agreements properly enforced.
For each parent, as well as ensuring that each school delivers the Pupil Guarantee for their child:
- Every parent will have opportunities, information and support to exercise choice with and on behalf of their child
- They will have the information and support they need to be involved in their child’s learning and development
- There will be a Home/ School Agreement outlining their rights and their responsibilities for their child’s schooling
- They will have access to extended services including support and advice on parenting
Go to the journal article.