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OUR PUBLICATIONS > Creative Partnerships: Initiative and Impact
OUR PUBLICATIONS > Creative Partnerships: Initiative and Impact
Institution: Ofsted
Full reference: Ofsted (2006) Creative Partnerships: Initiative and Impact. (HMI 2517) Manchester: Ofsted
This report found that Creative Partnerships delivered improvements in the aspiration and achievements of young people and the skills and creativity of teachers. Inspectors observed that pupils benefited from working with creative practitioners, particularly in terms of their personal and social development. In the schools sampled, involvement in the initiatives helped pupils to develop good personal and social skills.
The report found positive outcomes of programmes in the form of changed attitudes and behaviours, and the demonstration of creative approaches to work. It records that ‘the most effective programmes had a real purpose, that motivated teachers and pupils’. In all the surveyed schools there was evidence that pupils’ achievement had improved during the period of involvement in Creative Partnerships.
The report made some recommendations for the programme that, along with findings from external evaluations and user feedback, were incorporated into a new model of Creative Partnerships programme that was rolled out nationally in 2008. There is now a consistent process for application, selection, planning and evaluation for the three schools strands, Schools of Creativity, Change Schools and Enquiry Schools. See the document below for a more detailed look at our response to Ofsted’s report in our design of this process.
The report is based on an inspection of 36 schools in six areas of the country. Inspectors conducted a scrutiny of school-based documentation; interviews with headteachers, creative practitioners, pupils, teachers, support staff, parents, governors and other creative partners; observation of lessons; observation of planning activities involving staff and creative practitioners; and analysis of pupils’ work. Additional evidence was gathered from school inspections in the areas sampled, where the impact of Creative Partnerships had been identified.
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